Hotel at Düsseldorf International Airport
Our Air-Hotel Wartburg and Messehotel-Medici are located in the immediate vicinity of Düsseldorf International Airport. 5 minutes by car or approx. 7 minutes by bus, line 760 to the station Lohauser Dorfstrasse near the hotel. For a room enquiry, please use the following telephone number: 0211-454910 or our e-Mail: at our hotel at Düsseldorf Airport.
Address of Düsseldorf International Airport:
Flughafenstrasse 120
40474 Düsseldorf
Tel. 0211-421-0
You should check in at least 90 minutes before departure. However, the check-in time may vary from airline to airline and also depends on the flight destination. You can find out when you should check in for the flight you have booked in our flight schedule or - if it is a same-day flight - in Departure Today. Simply select the desired flight and click on the flight number to call up the detailed flight information!
Important: Please note that due to official security guidelines, every passenger must be present at the late-night check-in. Exceptions to this rule are families / married couples / couples. In this case, it is sufficient if one family member or person checks in for the other passengers. Please do not forget to bring the travel documents such as ticket, passport (possibly with visa), as well as luggage of all travellers.
Taxi: Taxis are available at all times. For a reservation in advance, please contact Taxi Düsseldorf: 0211-33333 or Rhein-Taxi 0211-212121.
Car rental: The following car rental companies are available at the airport:
AVIS, Hertz, Alamo International, Sixt, Budget, Europcar